

How to Contribute

Contributing to Cookie AI CLI is a great way to help improve the experience of users around the globe. Whether you're fixing bugs, adding new features, or improving documentation, your contributions are invaluable to the project. This guide outlines how you can get involved.

Getting Started

Before you begin contributing, it's important to familiarize yourself with the project:

  1. Explore the Repository: Visit the Cookie AI CLI GitHub repository to understand the structure and recent developments.
  2. Read the Documentation: Ensure you understand how Cookie AI CLI works. The better you know the tool, the more effective your contributions will be.

Ways to Contribute

There are many ways you can contribute to Cookie AI CLI:

Report Issues

If you encounter bugs or have feature requests, report them using GitHub issues. Be as detailed as possible in your descriptions:

# Example format for reporting an issue

Title: [Bug/Feature] Short description of the issue


- Detailed explanation of the issue
- Steps to reproduce
- Expected behavior
- Actual behavior

Submit Pull Requests

Ready to add a new feature or fix an existing issue? Submit a pull request:

  1. Fork the Repository: Create your own fork of the Cookie AI CLI repository.
  2. Create a New Branch: Work on a new feature or bug fix in a separate branch.
  3. Commit Your Changes: Write clear, descriptive commit messages.
  4. Submit a Pull Request: Push your changes and open a pull request against the main Cookie AI CLI repository.

Improve Documentation

Good documentation is crucial for any project. You can contribute by:

  • Writing tutorials
  • Improving existing documentation
  • Translating documentation into other languages

Contribution Guidelines

To ensure consistency and quality, follow these guidelines:

  • Code Style: Adhere to the existing code style and best practices.
  • Testing: Add tests for new features and ensure they pass.
  • Documentation: Document your code and update the or related docs as necessary.

Community and Support

Join our community to discuss development and get support:

Making an Impact

Your contributions to Cookie AI CLI help make it a more robust and versatile tool. By participating in the project, you're not only improving the software but also learning and sharing your knowledge with a global community.

Thank you for considering contributing to Cookie AI CLI. Together, we can make it the best tool it can be!

Command Not Found Handler