


Installing Cookie AI CLI is straightforward. This guide walks you through the process of installing the CLI tool on your system and setting it up for first use.

You can install Cookie AI CLI using npm or your preferred package manager:

npm install cookie-ai-cli -g

This command installs Cookie AI CLI globally on your system, making the ai command available in your terminal.

Verifying the Installation

To verify that Cookie AI CLI is installed correctly, run:

ai --version

You should see the version number of Cookie AI CLI outputted in your terminal. If you encounter any issues, make sure all prerequisites are correctly installed.

Next Steps

After successfully installing Cookie AI CLI, you're ready to configure the tool for your specific needs. Visit our Configuration Guide for detailed instructions on setting up AI services and customizing your CLI experience.

For any installation issues or further assistance, feel free to submit an issue on our GitHub repository or join our community Discord server for support.

Getting started